Girl Wunder

Girl Wunder

Hailing from Queens New York, GIRL WUNDER (Jessica Wu) brings a fresh style to the electronic music scene with her unique approach to DJing. She tends to nod to both the old and new school crowd, and enjoys bringing in sounds across multiple genres to give something to everyone on the dancefloor. Her ability to generate special and memorable performances is what makes her a highly coveted new artist in the entertainment field.


She is a radio DJ on RadioFreeBrooklyn with her own weekly show called “Virtual Voyager” and has had guest mixes on radio shows and livestreams for notable groups: Tantra Thursdays, UKO Radio, Sub.Sequence KUNM, Denver House Music’s Mix Wednesdays, and Synaesthesia Collective. As of February 2022, she has joined the illustrious online radio station, HalfMoonBK as a monthly resident DJ with her new show “Glitch Mode.”


In her spare time, she travels cross country to perform and collaborates alongside various collectives with the goal of building a network of artists to create magical experiences for people to gather through music and art. In her first year of DJing outside of radio, Girl Wunder has had the honor of playing for communities in 6 different states and looks forward to continuing her journey of connecting to more people and places this coming year.